What does ETVE mean? Is the ETVE a special Spanish Company? What are the main tax advantages granted by this special tax regime? What are the requirements for this regime? What are the legal requirements to apply the tax exemption to the dividends and capital gains? Is the ETVE considered a Spanish resident company for tax purposes? Why should the ETVE be of interest to my clients?
The latest Spanish tax reform of the corporate income tax approved by Law 27/2014 of 28 November, has reinforced the tax regime for Foreign-Securities Holding Companies, known in Spain as “Entidades de Tenencia de Valores Extranjeros” (ETVE).
The ETVE tax regime was introduced in 1995 so it can be considered reliable and stable. This special regime is one of the most interesting in the entire world. It is not by chance that 100 out of the 500 biggest companies in the world have been using an ETVE in Spain. Among them are Exxon Mobile, Vodafone and Hewlett-Packard.
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