AEDBF Athens Meeting, 5-6th October 2012
Luis Maluquer participated in the conference and delivered a speech entitled "Bank restructuring in Spain: Several months (years) of improvisation"

Luis Maluquer, Managing Partner of Maluquer Advocats, was one of the participants in the conference on “Bank Restructuring and Bank Recapitalisation” organized by the AEDBF(European Society for Banking and Financial Law) and held on 5 and 6 October 2012 in Athens. Presentations were focused on the measures that have recently been taken with regard to bank restructuring at European level and on the new bank recapitalisation scheme proposed at the Euro area summit on 28/29 June 2012.

Luis Maluquer’s presentation was about Spanish bank restructuring through the 5 most important attempts that have been made and are currently being made in Spain in order to reduce the uncertainty of the country’s economy. It was with some irony that he explained the several attempts by the Spanish authorities to cope with the difficulties in the banking sector thanks to a number of Royal Decrees-Laws based on improvisation. The presentation ended with a glimmer of hope for this sector.

Please click on the following link to download this conference presentation.

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